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Frequently Asked Questions

1)   What's the difference between an infant feeding specialist and a lactation consultant?

  • Lactation consultant can get certified to treat infant and families regardless of their degree, level of education, and prior professional background. They offer a great source of knowledge, especially as it relates to the mom's milk supply and production; as well as breast tissue differences and pathology.
  • As an infant feeding specialists who holds a certification as a certified neonatal therapist, we all hold a masters degree in either speech/language pathology (SLP) or occupational therapy (OT). We are required to work in a NICU setting for approximately 3 to 5 years, have extensive continuing education training, and must pass a rigorous evidence base examination.
  • We are exposed to the intricacies of the feeding and swallowing mechanism throughout our bachelors, masters, and certification process. We have a strong focus on the infant's oral motor movements, swallowing safety, energy expenditure, and physiologic stability, due to our extensive training and education programs. We are also specifically trained in evidence based practice, Parent training, and family centered care. 
  • All of the specialists here at Infant Feeding Specialists, Inc. are SLPs and OTs, with a certification as a Certified Neonatal Therapist (CNT), any many of them are also lactation consultants (CLC or IBCLC). Having these certifications sets this practice apart from many others that just offer a lactation services.

2)  Do you accept insurance?

  • We do not currently accept insurance. However, it is something we are working on.
  • If you want to seek secondary reimbursement from your insurance company, we will provide you with a Super Bill to submit your claim. If you want to check to see how much you will get reimbursed, or file online, here is a convenient service you can use: Reimbursify 

3)  How can I help more families learn about your services? 

  • Word of mouth recommendations are a beautiful way to help support other families in need. You can also mention us on facebook pages where parent's ask for advice. 

4)  Where can I leave a review of your practice? 

  • We truly appreciate any feedback you can offer. This helps us grow as a practice, and helps other's find us. You can leave a Google Review HERE.