· Providing Specialized Care in NY · NJ · MA · FL · TX · CA ·

This 1-hour session for the mother-to-be and partner aims to optimize the infant's future breastfeeding and/or bottle feeding success.

For high-risk pregnancies or those carrying an infant with a known diagnosis, questions are answered regarding preparation for a possible NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) stay and ways to balance your baby's oral feeding journey with their unique medical circumstances.

Common topics may include how to advocate for early breastfeeding and the Golden Hour after giving birth, what feeding bottles/nipples/pumps to buy, how to manage expectations during your potential hospital stay, and how to support your infant's growth and development. Education, access to resources and community support are offered to ensure you stay empowered and prepared to feed your new baby!

Enter your information below to schedule.  

Prenatal Consult

To ensure that every feeding is safe, functional, nurturing, developmentally appropriate, and tailored to the infant’s specific needs. We follow an infant-driven / cue-based approach, honoring each infant’s unique communication and boundaries; protecting their developing brains and striving for the best possible outcomes.  We support both bottle feeding and breastfeeding/lactation goals!

Our Goals


To ensure that every parent/family/caregiver feels confident, competent and empowered to be their infant's strongest advocate. We partner with parents to provide knowledge and support to help them thrive with their new infant.